Almost "time-up" time! ;o)~ Lord willing I will dissapear out of the matrix by the Summer of 2024... My last gift (or curse) to society is this work on putting the spiritual before the material; if I really am Christian how could I do anything less? *Apparently someone is after my old school URL as I was issued an ultimatium that both my websites ( and www.TheLollards.Org) would be retired after 2024 unless I came up with a sh*t ton of money. (lol) **They can have them; no hard feelings at all. In the interim I will make everything 100% free as usual, so please take, download, share as you see fit. I will continue to run the History Museum but my time on the front-lines seem to be winding down; I am entering my "old-Ben" moment as I exodus to the desert it would seem. ;o) God speed -
Slow and steady... Not really coming out how I planned but we'll see what happens once the trail going around the pond is completed. ;o)
Adding the zen-garden and trail around the pond (more to come)...
Nephews tested out the solar and facilities (so far so good)
Happy New Year!!! Lord willing 2022 will bring some real blessings and further advancements into being more holistically off-grid and "awake"!!! ;o)
Slowly but surely!!! It is odd that I've basically touched, nailed, painted every board/drywall in here. Again it wasn't perfect as I am NO carpenter but if I can think how much more you could do? Roughly $35k (off grid) but probably could have done it for $25k if I would have cut a few corners. We'll see what happens next but the fireplace/stove I will outsource as I am simply not qualified (and don't want a leaky roof) ;o)
Floors are now complete! On to finishing the root-cellar, tower, and start the inside work (electrical (solar), walls, framing, etc.). woo-woo! ;o)
Robert helping to get the root-cellar in the side of the hill. *Hopefully it will dry-out enough over the next couple of weeks to get the cement flooring completed so we can start on the inside. **Rain has delayed the garden but again working out the kinks. ;o) Too much to mow right now but bought a refurbished riding mower from my nephew for $120 so we'll see how that goes. :o)
Firepit and composting bin (phase 1) up and running! Hopefully will do a longer test run this month on teaching via PowerPoint via solar (will post on YouTube if all goes well as we are testing a multiplicity of things to see what works (and what doesn't). ;o)~ Lord willing many more updates on the next post. The excessive rain has definitely slowed us down a bit but all in God's good timing.